Big Max Leo
1974             Prize-winner (black & white) of the French National Federation of Photographic Societies
1982             Exhibition in Chatenay-Malabry City Hall (early works)
1993             Exhibition at the Bab-Ilo Paris ("After Hours" show)
1993             Still photographer on set for Olias Barco's movies
1994             Exhibition at the Jazz-Club Le Sunset Paris ("Hotter than July" show)
1994             CD cover picture for Jazz drummer Steve McCraven
1974-2001    Pictures published (Jazz-Hot magazine, Paris Free Voice, Daily newspapers)
1998-2003    Opening of Web Site Took a break from shooting pictures
2003             Started experimenting with digital photography
2005             Opening of Big Max Leo Web Photo Gallery (Private Access only)
2006             Opening of Big Max Leo Blog includes Photo Gallery